Electricity Power Plants in the United States

This project will explore the electricity generation plants in the United States and their air pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. There are three parts in this porject.
Part one explores the average electricity GHG emission factor on a state level and how they are affected by the electricty mix in different state (renewable-to-total and natural-gas-to-fossil-fuel). In carbon accounting, this is called scope II emission.
Part two explores the generation plants in ten most populated states, and their total \(NO_x\), \(SO_2\), and GHG emission in 2018.
Part three explores the electricity generation and emissions for California counties in 2018.

Figure 1. The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Located in San Luis Obispo county, the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant is the last operating nuclear power plant in California. (Source: The New York Times, 2016)

Figure 1. The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. Located in San Luis Obispo county, the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant is the last operating nuclear power plant in California. (Source: The New York Times, 2016)

#Read in data sets.

raw_df <- read_excel("egrid2018_data.xlsx", skip = 1, sheet = "PLNT18")
raw_df_st <- read_excel("egrid2018_data.xlsx", skip = 1, sheet = "ST18")
clean_df <- raw_df %>% 
  clean_names() %>% 
  select(pstatabb, cntyname, fipsst, fipscnty, plprmfl, plfuelct, coalflag, namepcap, plnoxrta, plso2rta, plco2rta, plch4rta, pln2orta, plc2erta, plso2an, plnoxan, plco2eqa, plngenan) #Selecting the cateogries of interest
clean_st_df <- raw_df_st %>% 
  clean_names() %>% 
  select(pstatabb, stnoxrta, stso2rta, namepcap, stgenatn, stc2erta, sttrpr, stgspr, sttnpr, stngenan) %>% 
  mutate(gas_ratio = stgspr/sttnpr) #Calculating the percentage of gas-generated electricity among all fossil fuel-generated electricity.

Part One. The average electricity GHG emission factor on a state level.

state_bubble <- ggplot(clean_st_df, aes(x = sttrpr*100, y = stc2erta, size = stngenan)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.8, color = "#5BBCD6")+
  scale_size(range = c(.1, 10), name="Total Generation (MWh)")+
  xlab("Renewable Electricity Percentage")+
  ylab("Average Electricity GHG Emission Factor (lb/MWh)")+
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = pstatabb), size = 2)+


Figure 2. The Relationship between Average Electricity GHG Emission Factor and Renewable Generation Percentage on a State Level. Each bubble stands for a state. The size of the bubble indicates the total electricity generation in the state. The data for generation and GHG emission are from the year of 2018. (Source: eGrid, 2018)

clean_st_fossil <- clean_st_df %>% 
  filter(sttnpr > 0.80)

state_fs_bubble <- ggplot(clean_st_fossil, aes(x = gas_ratio*100, y = stc2erta, size = stngenan)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.8, color = "#F98400")+
  scale_size(range = c(.1, 10), name="Total Generation (MWh)")+
  xlab("Pencentage of Natural-gas-electricity among Fossil-fuel-electricity")+
  ylab("Average Electricity GHG Emission Factor (lb/MWh)")+
  geom_text_repel(aes(label = pstatabb), size = 2)+


Figure 3. The Relationship between Average Electricity GHG Emission Factor and the Pencentage of Natural-gas-electricity among Fossil-fuel-electricity for States with More than 80% Non-renewable Electricity. Each bubble stands for a state. The size of the bubble indicates the total electricity generation in the state. The data for generation and GHG emission are from the year of 2018. (Source: eGrid, 2018)

Part Two. The generation plants in ten most populated states.

gas_df <- clean_df %>% 
  filter (plfuelct %in% c("GAS", "OIL", "COAL"))%>% # Selecting all fossil fuels
  group_by(pstatabb) %>% 
  select(-coalflag) %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  filter(pstatabb %in% c("CA", "TX", "FL", "NY", "PA", "IL", "OH", "GA", "NC", "MI"))# Selecting the top ten populated states
gasvis2 <- ggplot(gas_df, aes(x = pstatabb, y = plso2an))+
  geom_jitter(width = 0.20, aes(color = plfuelct))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+
  scale_color_manual(values=wes_palette(n=3, name="Darjeeling1"))+
  ylab("2018 Annual Sulfur Dioxide Emssion (tons)")+
  labs(color = "Plant Type")


Figure 4. Total Annual \(SO_2\) Emission on a Power Plant Level for Ten Most Populated States. Each point stands for a power plant. The color of the point indicates the type of the power plant. The data for generation and GHG emission are from the year of 2018. (Source: eGrid, 2018)

gasvis4 <- ggplot(gas_df, aes(x = pstatabb))+
  geom_jitter(width = 0.20, aes(y = plnoxan,color = plfuelct))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+
  scale_color_manual(values=wes_palette(n=3, name="Darjeeling1"))+
  ylab("2018 Annual NOx Emssion (tons)")+
  labs(color = "Plant Type")


Figure 5. Total Annual \(NO_x\) Emission on a Power Plant Level for Ten Most Populated States. Each point stands for a power plant. The color of the point indicates the type of the power plant. The data for generation and GHG emission are from the year of 2018. (Source: eGrid, 2018)

gasvis5 <- ggplot(gas_df, aes(x = pstatabb))+
  geom_jitter(width = 0.20, aes(y = plco2eqa,color = plfuelct))+
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+
  scale_color_manual(values=wes_palette(n=3, name="Darjeeling1"))+
  ylab("2018 Annual GHG Emssion (tons carbon dioxide equivalent)")+
  labs(color = "Plant Type")


Figure 6. Total Annual GHG Emission on a Power Plant Level for Ten Most Populated States. Each point stands for a power plant. The color of the point indicates the type of the power plant. The data for generation and GHG emission are from the year of 2018. (Source: eGrid, 2018)

Part Three. Electricity generation and emissions for California counties

ca_df <- clean_df %>% 
  filter(pstatabb == "CA") %>% 
  select(-coalflag) %>% 
  mutate(cntyname = str_to_title(cntyname)) %>% 
  group_by(cntyname) %>% 
  mutate(plso2an = replace_na(plso2an, 0)) %>% 
  mutate(plnoxan = replace_na(plnoxan, 0)) %>% 
  filter (is.na (plngenan) == FALSE) %>% 
  summarise(nox_total = sum(plnoxan),
            so2_total = sum(plso2an),
            gen_total = sum(plngenan)) %>% 
  mutate(nox_rt = scales::number(nox_total*2000/gen_total, accuracy = 0.001),
         so2_rt = scales::number(so2_total*2000/gen_total, accuracy = 0.001)) %>% 
  mutate(nox_rt = cell_spec(nox_rt, "html", bold = T, color = ifelse(nox_rt > 0.377, "#F2AD00", "#00A08A"), background = "#d7eff5"),
         so2_rt = cell_spec(so2_rt, "html", bold = T, color = ifelse(so2_rt > 0.036, "#F2AD00", "#00A08A"), background = "#d7eff5")) 

title <- c("County", "Total NOx Emission (tons)", "Total SO2 Emission (tons)", "Total Net Generation (MWh)", "NOx Emission Rate (lb/MWh)", "SO2 Emission Rate(lb/MWh)")

colnames(ca_df) <- title
my_tbl <- ca_df %>% 
  kable(escape=F, align = "r") %>% 
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed")) %>% 
  column_spec(1, bold = T, color = "white", background = "#046C9A") %>% 
  row_spec(0, bold = T, color = "white", background = "#F98400")%>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")
Table 1. 2018 Electricity Generation and Emission for California Counties. Total \(NO_x\) And \(SO_2\) emission, total net generation amount, and corresponding emission factor are shown in the table. If the emission factor for a pollutant type is higher than California average, it is marked as yellow. Otherwise, it is marked as green. (Source: eGrid, 2018)
County Total NOx Emission (tons) Total SO2 Emission (tons) Total Net Generation (MWh) NOx Emission Rate (lb/MWh) SO2 Emission Rate(lb/MWh)
Alameda 723.060 23.439 2033905.00 0.711 0.023
Amador 0.000 0.000 738753.00 0.000 0.000
Butte 8.811 2.135 2353681.00 0.007 0.002
Calaveras 0.000 0.000 493930.00 0.000 0.000
Colusa 163.039 34.964 3152517.00 0.103 0.022
Contra Costa 3419.368 58.228 14286071.00 0.479 0.008
El Dorado 167.884 0.200 1360204.00 0.247 0.000
Fresno 256.030 39.102 6871723.00 0.075 0.011
Glenn 0.000 0.000 7791.00 0.000 0.000
Humboldt 4732.149 49.976 536932.00 17.627 0.186
Imperial 54.158 1413.840 8388389.07 0.013 0.337
Inyo 0.000 549.855 1373519.00 0.000 0.801
Kern 6663.567 122.718 32066102.00 0.416 0.008
Kings 268.177 0.526 1197595.00 0.448 0.001
Lake 1.306 0.270 943400.00 0.003 0.001
Lassen 423.338 33.600 274015.00 3.090 0.245
Los Angeles 8013.808 497.241 22910992.61 0.700 0.043
Madera 283.825 0.490 890244.99 0.638 0.001
Marin 0.000 5.402 29920.00 0.000 0.361
Mariposa 0.000 0.000 269655.00 0.000 0.000
Mendocino 0.000 0.000 19041.00 0.000 0.000
Merced 28.840 0.158 251373.00 0.229 0.001
Mono 0.000 0.000 400981.00 0.000 0.000
Monterey 257.263 16.413 4975840.84 0.103 0.007
Napa 0.000 0.000 1566.00 0.000 0.000
Nevada 0.000 0.000 273679.00 0.000 0.000
Orange 1995.386 81.375 1442024.21 2.767 0.113
Placer 181.772 46.269 1976944.00 0.184 0.047
Plumas 120.342 20.313 1342157.00 0.179 0.030
Riverside 400.508 74.247 9105865.01 0.088 0.016
Sacramento 147.373 27.541 6315421.00 0.047 0.009
San Benito 0.000 0.000 220169.00 0.000 0.000
San Bernardino 983.456 17.332 10593186.84 0.186 0.003
San Diego 2076.426 45.743 4825121.99 0.861 0.019
San Francisco 221.592 0.928 103400.00 4.286 0.018
San Joaquin 444.818 18.047 2870108.00 0.310 0.013
San Luis Obispo 2.446 2.098 20619666.00 0.000 0.000
San Mateo 114.136 15.055 128516.00 1.776 0.234
Santa Barbara 13.808 4.696 193125.00 0.143 0.049
Santa Clara 435.387 10.611 3693010.01 0.236 0.006
Santa Cruz 29.756 6.015 60099.00 0.990 0.200
Shasta 580.339 106.119 6563004.00 0.177 0.032
Sierra 89.447 9.504 71384.00 2.506 0.266
Siskiyou 57.415 3.879 324458.00 0.354 0.024
Solano 402.206 16.717 3182720.00 0.253 0.011
Sonoma 151.514 6.672 5636210.00 0.054 0.002
Stanislaus 402.367 27.071 2231070.00 0.361 0.024
Sutter 149.475 2.384 958759.00 0.312 0.005
Tehama 194.016 0.229 46682.01 8.312 0.010
Trinity 0.000 0.000 299486.00 0.000 0.000
Tulare 115.000 2.043 799120.00 0.288 0.005
Tuolumne 230.360 34.424 2719000.00 0.169 0.025
Ventura 1725.350 11.613 1223917.00 2.819 0.019
Yolo 83.936 44.944 255407.00 0.657 0.352
Yuba 0.000 4.849 1311009.00 0.000 0.007
  1. US EPA. (2020). Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID). Available at: https://www.epa.gov/energy/emissions-generation-resource-integrated-database-egrid
  2. Cardwell, D. (2016). California’s Last Nuclear Power Plant Could Close. The New York Times. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/22/business/californias-diablo-canyon-nuclear-power-plant.html
Yingfei "Ted" Jiang
Sustainability Specialist

客亦知夫水與月乎?逝者如斯,而未嘗往也;盈虛者如彼,而卒莫消長也。蓋將自其變者而觀之,則天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不變者而觀之,則物與我皆無盡也,而又何羨乎? 且夫天地之間,物各有主,茍非吾之所有,雖一毫而莫取。惟江上之清風,與山間之明月,耳得之而為聲,目遇之而成色,取之無禁,用之不竭,是造物者之無盡藏也,而吾與子之所共食。 –蘇軾《赤壁賦》

Do you happen to know the nature of water or the moon? Water is always on the run like this, but never lost in its course; the moon always waxes and wanes like that, but never out of its sphere. When viewed from a changing perspective, the universe can hardly be the same even within a blink of an eye, But when looked at from an unchanging perspective, everything conserves itself, and so do we. Therefore, what’s in them to be admired? Besides, in this universe, everything has its rightful owner. If something does not belong to you, then you shall not even have a bit of it. Only the refreshing breeze on the river and the bright moon over the hills are an exception. If you can hear it, it is a sound to you; if you can see it, it is a view to you. It never ends and is never exhausted. It is the infinite treasure granted to us by our Creator for both of us to enjoy. – Su Shi, Ode to the Red Cliff